
Meeting Participation Request

Written by Lumi EN | Mar 22, 2021 11:13:14 AM

At convocation date attendees can request to participate. These requests will go into a pending state.

To make a meeting participation request

  1. 1. Go to


2. Search for the meeting name or use the filters to narrow down your search criteria

  1. 3. Select your meeting my clicking on the meeting details card
  2. When in the meeting page you can see further information about the meeting. Click Register Now to submit a participation request.
4. You will then have to login with a social or local account

6. Fill in the required information

  1. Personal Information
Given Names
Family Name
  • Email
  • Citizenship
  • National ID
  1. 7. Your share dealing information
    • Name of intermediary
    • BIC/LEI of intermediary
  • Share dealing account number
Number of shares

8.Once you click save, enter how you would like to participate at the meeting.

9.Depending on the date, you will assigned a status

  2. Note, if you choose 
  4. A new question will appear, How would you like to vote on new resolutions put at the meeting. Here you can select